"[...] Definition. When any given bodies of the same or different magnitude are compelled by other bodies to remain in contact, or if they be moved at the same or different rates of speed, so that their mutual movements should preserve among themselves a certain fixed relation, we say that such bodies are in union, and that together they compose one body or individual, which is distinguished from other bodies by this fact of union [...]
( Spinoza, Ethics)

LA METAMORPHOSE, installation, 2000

1. A change of form, structure, or substance.
2. (Figurative.) A noticeable or complete change in appearance, character, circumstances, or condition.
3. A change in form, shape, or substance by or as if by witchcraft; transformation.
4. The changed form resulting from any such change.
5. A marked change in the form, and usually the habits, of an animal in its development after the embryonic stage. Tadpoles become frogs by metamorphosis; they lose their tails and grow legs.
6. The structural or functional modification of a plant organ or structure during the course of its development.
7. (Physiology.) Metabolism.

“Sophie Usunier works on castle stereotypes, the fortifying way fables and archetypical myths have. She represents a loss, a change, the passage from a protected space in confrontation with the outside world, with others, giving voice to the theme of fear and desire of young girls”
Lorenzo Bruni (curator and art critic for the exhibition, Castello di VicchioMaggio, Greve in Chianti, tuscany)