"[...] Definition. When any given bodies of the same or different magnitude are compelled by other bodies to remain in contact, or if they be moved at the same or different rates of speed, so that their mutual movements should preserve among themselves a certain fixed relation, we say that such bodies are in union, and that together they compose one body or individual, which is distinguished from other bodies by this fact of union [...]
( Spinoza, Ethics)


( look behind in order not to perish)

The sculpture which is made of salt will then be placed in a meadow where animals will continue to sculpt it with their tongues until it disappears.

“Guarda indietro per non essere travolto” (Look behind not to perish) emphasizes her interest for ethno-anthropological studies about our territory. Famous researchers such as De Martino, Friedmann, De Rita’s works become therefore subjects able to materialize themselves into an idea of a sculpture-installation that recalls psychological and sociological thematics such as the nature of the relationship between myth and rite, superstition, symbolical efficiency, the reality of magical powers.”
(Angelo Bianco, curator, 2005)