"[...] Definition. When any given bodies of the same or different magnitude are compelled by other bodies to remain in contact, or if they be moved at the same or different rates of speed, so that their mutual movements should preserve among themselves a certain fixed relation, we say that such bodies are in union, and that together they compose one body or individual, which is distinguished from other bodies by this fact of union [...]
( Spinoza, Ethics)


-Workshop "FREECITY", Tallinn, Estonia, aprile 2012
-Residency "Plombières-in-situ", supported by the FRAC Lorraine, thermal city Plombières-les-Bains, France, July/Agosto 2010 

-Residency in a nursing home with the artist Alexandra David, curator V.Verlé, supported by the FRAC Lorraine, Nancy, France, september/october 2009  (http://dansnotremaison.blogspot.com/)

- 2008 grant award of the Lorraine region

-Residency « Hors-Champs », 3 months at the « Abbaye des Prémontrés », Parey-sous-Montfort, France


june 30th: Presentation and concert for the CD realease "Psychologia Balnearia", realised during the residency "Plombières-in-situ", in collaboration with the jazz musician Alphonse Anougna, Plombières-les-Bains, France
"Vents contraires", C.Culturel Le Trait D'Union, Neufchâteau, France

"Promemoria (je voudrais tant que tu te souviennes), C.Culturel Le Trait d'Union, Neufchâteau, France
"Promemoria (vorrei tanto che ti ricordassi), Warehouse Gallery, Teramo (Pescara), Italy
"Vous verrez si ça vous plaît beaucoup", bi-personal with the artist Alexandra David, curator Vincent Verlé, supported by the FRAC Lorraine, ex-nursing home Deux Augustins, Plombières-les-Bains, France

"Bientôt une nouvelle Exposition!", bi-personal with Alexandra David, curator Vincent Verlé, supported by the FRAC Lorraine, Nursing House Notre Maison, Nancy, France
"Les Vents contraires", supported by the FRAC Lorraine, médiathèque, Forbach, France
"Knot #1 – Frankie Morello meets art" curators Marco Tagliafierro and Rossella Moratto, Flagship store Frankie Morello , Milan, Italy
"Domestic Conditions", curator Claudio Cravero for the GREENHOUSE (SUMMER) at the Parco Arte Vivente (P.A.V.), Turin, Italy

“Les Vents Contraires”, supported by the FRAC Lorraine, at the Carré Vauban, Longwy
“Les Vents Contraires”, in the courtyard of the FRAC Lorraine during the white night, Metz, France
“Hors-champs”, Abbaye des Prémontrés, Parey-sous-Montfort, France
“Art Waiting Room” curator M.Paderni, Fondation March, Lago s.p.a, Villa del Conte, Italy
“Molto vento e qualche mosca”, gallery Placentia Arte, Piacenza, Italy
“Cum Grano Salis”, curator A.Bianco, supported by FRAC Lorraine, Fondation SoutHeritage, Matera, Italy
“Court Circuit” curators E.Bordignon et G.Giannuizzi, NeonProjectBox, Milan, Italy
“Sophie Usunier” curator L.Bruni, gallery Note Artecontemporanea , Arezzo, Italy


"Vents Contraires" with the Parco Arte Vivente (PAV), experimental center for contemporary art, Oval Lingotto, Fiere Artissima 18, Turin, Italy

"Fables de l'imaginaire", supported by FRAC Lorraine, art center ACB, Bar-le-Duc, France
"Cavour, oltre il mito", curator E.Tolosana, Villa Santena, Turin, Italy
"Encore! Du plaisir au Désir", Centre d'Art Bastille (CAB), Grenoble, France

“Plektrum”, International Video Festival, Tallinn, Estonia
group show, curator F.Referza, gallery Z2o, Rome, Italy
“Godart 2008”, Museum Laboratorio Ex-Manifattura Tabacchi, Città Sant’Angelo, Italy
“Bozopenday”, curator E.Bordignon, Milan, Italy
“Silere (be silent)” curator C.Cravero, Palazzo Sansovino, Turin, Italy
“Sight 06/07: Percorsi”, Museum Laboratorio Ex-Manufattura Tabacchi, Città Sant’Angelo, Italy
“QuoteRosa” curator C.Ghielmetti, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan, Italy
“Dissertare/disertare “, curator E.Vannini and Start, Castello di Genazzano (Rome), Italy
“Tiratiaporta”, curator M.Saccomandi, Spazio Amaneï, Salina, Isole Eolie, Italy
“Multiplo_3”, with the collaboration of ViaFarini, gallery Nogallery, Milan, Italy
“Videodrome”, curator M.Chini, Elettro +, Florence, Italy
“Godart 2005 “, Museum Laboratorio Ex-Manifattura Tabacchi, Città Sant’Angelo, Italy
”Premiata officina Trevana 2005” Trevi Flash Art Museum, Trevi, Italy
“Neon/ProjectBox Extended”, gallery Neon, Bologne, Italy
Collection, Museum Laboratorio Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, Città Sant’Angelo, Italy
"Godart 2003”, Museum Laboratorio Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, Città Sant'Angelo, Italy
2002 "Godart 2002”, Museum Laboratorio Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, Città Sant'Angelo, Italy
2001 "Mutamenti/inganni" curators M.Altavilla and F.Cavallucci, chiostro di Scardavilla, Italy
"Officina 2001", Mole Vanvevitelliana, Ancone, Italy
“Under 325gr”, gallery Note Arte Contemporanea, Arezzo, Italy
"Sensoazione” curator D.Filardo, Museum E. Greco, Catania, Italy
"Il Giardino si raddoppia" curator L.Bruni, gardens of VicchioMaggio, Greve in Chianti, Italy
"L'Occhio in Ascolta", Artevisive 3 curator V.Conti, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy
"Il Furore del Novanta/die Blaue Begeisterung", Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlin, Germany
"Entropia” curator M.Chini, Gallery Spaziotempo, Florence, Italy